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Debate Courtyard. Full of Protesterspsd.png

The Hall of Democracy represents power to the people a place for people to make their voices heard. This building aims to inspire strength and courage within the community so that ordinary people will feel that they can make a difference.

The Hall of Democracy encourages and embraces the change that the people demand, the central courtyard being the centre of this change, were the voices and opinions of the people boom out and spill onto the street drawing the attention of passers-by and government figures in adjacent buildings. The monolithic structure represents the
community it belongs to, refusing to be ignored.


This project was initially my design which then became the project we
chose for our group assignment. The technical work was a collaborative effort with my project partner Susana. I have included the floor plans which were collaborative and the other documentation were primarily my work.

Hall of Democracy.


2019 - Semester 2


Revit, Photoshop, InDesign,
Laser Cutter, Model Making

Debate CourtyardNew.png
Interior RampFInal.png
Viewing PlatformFinalNEW.png
Internal LibraryFinal.png
Study NookFinal.png
Meeting RoomFinal.png
Rooftop ViewFinal.png
Rooftop Looking DownFinal.png
Exterior SpaceNew.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD01-05 - GROUND FLOOR.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD01-06 - LEVEL ONE.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD01-08 - ROOF TOP.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD01-07 - LEVEL TWO.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD04-03 - RAMP DETAIL.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD04-01 - CORE A DETAILS.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD04-02 - NORTH - WEST FACADE.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD05-01 - CALLOUT DETAILS.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD04-04 - ARCHWAY TYPE DETAILS.png
FINAL_06.11.vt_sophie.e.candy - Sheet - CD05-02 - CALLOUT DETAILS.png
Top View.jpg
Front View.jpg
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Designs by Sophie Candy.

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